Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum (BBHF) is a Healthy Living Centre based in Derry but serving individuals from across the North of Ireland. It was registered as a company in 2007, but has been operational from 1999 when initially funded though the New Opportunities Fund.
BBHF is a charitable company limited by guarantee, incorporated on 12 April 2007 (Ni064504), registered as a charity on 26 July 2007 (XT1867). BBHF is registered with the Charity Commission in Northern Ireland (105248).
All people are enabled and supported in achieving their full health and wellbeing potential. The aims are to achieve better health and wellbeing for everyone and reduce inequalities in health
Our Mission
At the Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum we offer a holistic approach to health and well being in the community, schools and in workplaces. Our aim is to support and help the people in our community at all ages to live a healthy lifestyle. We offer a wide range of programmes addressing physical and mental health, nutrition, smoking and connecting people into the community.

Our Vision
Advance education, relieve sickness, assist vulnerable people such as those with a disability and the aged to promote the preservation and protection of health